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Webinar: Dynamics 365 Context Sensitive Training and Support for Users

By Asif Rehmani
Updated December 19, 2024
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Webinar on Aug 3, 2022, 12pm Eastern USA
Context Sensitive Training and Support in Dynamics 365

Last week I wrote about the challenge of supporting and training Microsoft Dynamics 365 users that not many people are talking about openly. Without proper guidance and support, Dynamics users end up often getting confused and frustrated when first starting to use the system And when constant changes by the organization as well as Microsoft updates keep appearing within the system.

The good news, as I mentioned in that article, is that there is a solution to this challenge that is built into Dynamics 365 called: Custom Task Panes and Guided Tasks. It just needs to be turned on and configured properly to start providing context sensitive support and training to Dynamics users resulting in increased satisfaction and reduced support tickets.

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The custom help panes and guided tasks functionality in Dynamics 365

Come join me at this live webinar I'm conducting next week on Wednesday, Aug 3rd 2022 at 12pm Eastern and I'll show you what you need to know about this functionality.

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In this webinar, I'll be demonstrating the following while taking your questions:

  1. What is the custom help panes and guided tasks functionality and what benefits it can provide
  2. How to enable and maintain this functionality
  3. The pros and cons of the functionality

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