If you have experienced miscommunication on important announcements with employees working remotely you are not alone. When the primary way to communicate becomes text on a screen it’s easy for your message to get lost or, worse yet, misunderstood. Publishing important announcements in your web platform with a digital adoption platform like VisualSP helps.
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Why is it so difficult to inform these employees about the important points you need them to understand with email, or text messages sent via chat? Because all of the shading usually accompanying verbal communication – your tone, the words you emphasize, the speed of your words—is completely lost when the message boils down to nothing more (or less) than text on a screen.
You can use video recordings of your important announcements to fill in the shading for a group, but the prospect of creating separate video recordings for each member of your management team, in order to communicate the appropriate shading on an individual basis, isn’t workable.
But banners in different colors, published directly on pages in your web platform, as Asif Rehmani demonstrates in the video embedded in this blog post, can help you communicate the shading required to get your message across to a group of people along with the message.
Publishing important announcements in your web platform also saves comparatively costly time. Creating video recordings, or even participating in online meetings requires the direct participation of a leader. Whereas asking a leader to write up a message, then having someone transform the message into an announcement banner in VisualSP is less expensive.
Important announcements can also be published as splash screen messages. These messages appear in the center of the browser window. The background is dimmed so users of your web platform can focus on the announcement, now clearly in the foreground of their view. We will talk more about this method of publishing announcements with VisualSP in another post to this blog.
Despite the challenge presented by changing the “normal” process of informing employees about important announcements to serve the needs of people working from home, the need to communicate is even more pressing. Publishing your important announcements directly within your web platform with VisualSP is a technique we hope you get comfortable using. The return on your effort can be high.
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