Try publishing announcements, news, whatever as digital banners directly within your web platform if you need to get personnel to pay more attention. Their email inboxes are probably filled with messages, so even if your email messages aren’t caught in their spam filters, they still may not get to your messages to make sure what you have to say becomes “top of mind” for them.
You can use VisualSP Premium to create the digital banners from announcements and other messages. Online meetings will work well to achieve the same objective, but what is the cost of your time? Even if your announcement is recorded you will still need to spend time presenting the information for the recording. What is the cost to your overall business productivity if all personnel are called into a meeting to receive your announcement?
{% video_player "embed_player" overrideable=False, type='scriptV4', hide_playlist=True, viral_sharing=False, embed_button=False, autoplay=False, hidden_controls=False, loop=False, muted=False, width='1920', height='1040', player_id='29086857521', style='' %}
One thing an online meeting can’t do is provide personnel with a method of replaying your message as they require. Once your team transforms your message or announcement into a digital banner, they can program the banner to appear on targeted pages of your web application, repeatedly, to make sure personnel get the message.
A combination of an an online meeting, an email campaign & a digital banner published with VisualSP Premium directly within your personnel's web platform will deliver the best results. After a few tries you will probably be able to cut back on the need for an online meeting and/or an email campaign to get the results you are after.
Because your time is too valuable for déjà vu. VisualSP provides in-the-moment guidance for your team, so they can find answers without asking you (again).
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