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Help! Our SharePoint document libraries are starting to look like our file shares

By Asif Rehmani
Updated July 24, 2024

Good ol' days of keeping all your documents in file shares. Don't you miss them..? Well, I hope not!

Ok, so you have made the transition to SharePoint document libraries and now all of the content that used to be thrown into file shares is going to live happily in libraries... at least that's what you think. Until you look at your main libraries one day and realize that it's looking more and more like your old file shares with all the nested folders and old naming schemes.


That's when you ask yourself: what was the point of going through all this trouble to get to document libraries? Is it all worth it? The answer: It sure is worth it. You just have to dig out of the mess a little bit and plan for large scale document management. It's absolutely possible and have been done by many companies. You can do it as well. I believe in you! All you need is the right education and the right tools and all will be good with the world again. Promise!

The goodness of using metadata in the libraries, separating out several views so folks can get to the content they are most interested in, setting up the proper permissions on libraries and folders within the libraries are all components to this puzzle.

You might even want to (or need to) go beyond regular document management and promote some of the documents as records using in-place records management capabilities. SharePoint provides you with several methods to make that happen right away or as part of a workflow when some condition is true.

Check out this ebook which answers these questions and a whole lot more.



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