Your business has pivoted to producing product from employees working from home. You need to get important information to these employees as deals close, customers change their orders & more. You tried sending this information as email messages, but employees aren’t getting the information. There is just too much information in their inboxes for them to find what you have sent to them. End result? Customer orders aren’t getting filled correctly. Complaints are coming in.
Try a different way to get important information through to these employees. Use your business subscription to Microsoft 365 as a communication platform. With VisualSP for Microsoft 365 you can create your message as a banner they won’t be able to miss and publish it on pages in Microsoft 365. When they visit the pages to complete tasks the banner will be there and, once again, they won’t be able to miss it. Please take a couple of moments to watch the video embedded in this post to our blog.
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When face-to-face contact is not a doable, you need to choose a reliable communications method, meaning one with a high probability of cutting through the information overload your employees are experiencing as the result of spending even more time than usual online working from home. Best practices say, if anything to over communicate. Why? Because on-screen text is not a great way to convey a message with feeling. So, to compensate, your messages should include more descriptive detail to make sure employees correctly understand what you are trying to communicate.
An on-screen banner is a great way to attract attention for an expansive presentation of your message, complete with enough detail to set the correct tone. If, as the result of using this feature of VisualSP you manage to keep more of your customers happy during this tough time, Spring, 2020, all the better. Your employees will also be more enthusiastic since they will be receiving the important messages you are sending to them. A win for everyone.
Fuel Employee Success